FPA 28gm Combo Kristin Olsson LILLY PILLY
FPA 28gm Combo Kristin Olsson LILLY PILLY FPA 28gm Combo Kristin Olsson LILLY PILLY

FPA 28gm Combo Kristin Olsson LILLY PILLY

Face Paints Australia’s 2nd new Duo Stroke from Kristin Olsson

This striking blend of tangerine, red velvet & yellow edged with white again allows the artist four differing options to complete their ideal 'look'.

  • Essential White
  • Essential Tangerine
  • Essential Red Velvet
  • Essential Yellow
  • Essential White

"I fell in love with FPA the very first time I tried them. They have such a wonderful collection of colours that are just beautiful to work with!...There are so many beautiful colour combinations out there! However I was struggling to fit all the colours on my smaller brushes, and again, my cakes would wear down unevenly. I found myself experimenting with how I could solve this problem, so after a lot of testing and experimenting I came up with the Duo Strokes. Not only are they versatile and beautiful, with different colour combinations depending on which side of the cake you use - you can also use a large brush for a beautiful and unique colour combination." - Kristen Olsson.

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